Amazing Animals: Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures and Top 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World


Amazing Animals: Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures and Top 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World

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Amazing Animals: Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures and Top: 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World

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Amazing Animals: Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures and Top: 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World


Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures

Number One - Anglerfish

Number Two - Blobfish

Number Three - Giant Isopod

Number Four - Goblin Shark

Number Five - Pelican Eel

Number Six - Red-Lipped Batfish

Number Seven - Basking Shark

Number Eight - Snakehead Fish

Number Nine - Vampire Squid

Number Ten - Viperfish

2. Top 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World

Number One - Cane Corso

Number Two - Alaskan Malamute

Number Three - Tibetan Mastiff

Number Four - Boerboel

Number Five - Pitbull

Number Six - Akita Inu

Number Seven - Rottweiler

Number Eight - Great Dane

Number Nine - Siberian Husky

Number Ten - Doberman Pinscher

Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures

About seventy percent

our planet is covered by water. There

are all kinds of strange and creepy

species that inhabit our oceans. Many

strange things live there, including

these creepy sea creatures are on our list.

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Number One - Anglerfish

The Anglerfish is named after its characteristic mode of

hunting prey. The long filaments

sprouting from the center of the fish's

head is called Escott or Elysium, and

some of the deep sea anglers can even

emit light from it. It is movable in all

directions and it can be wiggled to

resemble a prey animal to other

predators. The Angler Fish's jaws are

triggered automatically by contacts in

its tentacles. Once predators come close

enough, the Anglerfish can devour them

whole. This creepy fish is also able to

stretch its jaws and stomach big enough to

swallow prey up to twice the size of its entire body.

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Number Two - Blobfish

Found off the coast of mainland Australia,

In Tasmania and New Zealand, the Blobfish

lives at depths between 2,000 and 3,900

feet, where the pressure is 60 to 100

times higher than at sea level.

Some say that this is the ugliest

creature in the sea, yet aside from

possessing a face that only a mother

could love, the Blobfish's distinctive

appearance is the key to its survival.

This fish has no muscles, instead, it's

made up of a gelatinous substance,

slightly less dense than water.

This allows the Blobfish to hover over

the sea floor without expending energy.

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2. Top 10 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World

Dogs have lived alongside humans for

thousands of years. They are loyal to the

core and are often referred to as 'man's

best friend'.

Most dogs are friendly, however some of

them fearlessly display their

fighting spirit once their hostility

gets triggered.

Here is our top 10 list

of the most dangerous dogs from around the world.

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Number One - Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large muscular and dark-coated

breed of the Italian Mastiff.

It is a descendant of dogs that Roman soldiers used in wars.

The Cane Corso is generally

quiet and it has a good temperament, but

Its alertness is incomparable and its

protective and suspicious of strangers.

This dog's massive, powerful jaws can inflict some serious damage and this is

why the Cane Corso is restricted in

several US states and European countries.

Number Two - Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is

among the top most dangerous dog breeds

in the world.

This dog is extremely strong and can

endure heavy freights. The Alaskan

Malamute is usually a quiet dog.

However, it gets vicious and aggressive

when provoked and it's difficult to calm

down. It can easily get out of control if it's left untrained.

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